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Guru Central

Meet our gurus!

Some of the top banking industry experts are BOL Gurus. Their bios are found down below on this page. Many of the professionals who lend their time and talents to provide responses to our Guru Q&As also speak frequently at conferences, have developed products, and offer a variety of services.

Ask a Guru

Submit a question to the BOL Gurus.
Each week, in each of our five main content sections on, we feature questions submitted by BOL users and answers written by BOL Gurus. Past Q&As are archived on the site and can be accessed through the search feature or via the subject matter index of articles and Q&As that appears in the left sidebar or each content section. Use the "Submit a question to the BOL Gurus" link above to submit a question of your own.

Need a Speaker?

If you're looking for someone to provide in-house training, teach a seminar, or speak at your next conference, we can help! We're familiar with the topics our Gurus speak on and would be happy to transmit your inquiry to those who would be well-suited for the topic.

Contact us and tell us the topic, length of presentation, location, date, and any other pertinent facts. We'll take it from there.

Our Gurus

Barbara Boccia | CRCM, MBA, JD

In addition to her work as compliance practitioner & consultant, Barbara is known for her expertise and contributions to the ABA, CBA, and ICBA

Melissa Blaser | CRCM, CAMS, CPA, CFSA, CFIRS

Melissa Blaser is a partner at Wipfli LLP, leading their regulatory compliance practices.

Rebekah Leonard | CRCM

Rebekah is a sought-after compliance expert, the VP Director of Compliance for $6 billion community bank in Montana, and the owner of Elucidate LLC

Robin Guthridge | CAMS, CRCM

Known as a BSA and deposit compliance specialist, Robin is an in-demand consultant and speaker, and currently serves as a director at Wipfli, LLP.

Kimberly Boatwright | CRCM, CAMS, FLE

Kimberly is an industry-leading trainer and currently serves as the Director of Risk and Compliance at Compliance Resource, LLC.

John Burnett

John has been BankersOnline's resident expert for more than 20 years, serving as Executive Editor and frequent presenter in BOL's suite of events.

Randy Carey

A renowned regulatory compliance authority, Randy is a Compliance Specialist with, powered by PeirsonPatterson, LLP.

Deborah Crawford

Debbie specializes in deposit compliance, is a well-known trainer in the industry, and is the President of gettechnical, inc.

Brian Crow | CAMS

A BSA/AML master, Brian brings 20+ years of banking experience to his current role as EVP at Thomas Compliance Associates, inc.

Richard Insley | Guru Emeritus

Thank you for lending your expertise to the community.

Dan Persfull

Dan boasts more than 40 years in financial services and is currently the Vice President & Compliance Officer for The Peoples State Bank.

Barry Thompson | CRCM

Barry Thompson is an international speaker, trainer, consultant, and former banker.

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A collection of useful resources for various areas of the bank which have been developed by members of the BankersOnline staff or have been created and contributed by users of the BankersOnline site.

Banker Tools