We have two areas on the site that are accessible only to bank employees who have been screened by BOL staff: a private access directory that contains sensitive documents (such as detailed information about spotting fake Treasury checks) and a private discussion forum with the Bankers' Threads message board. The BOL Threads Private Forum was created as a safe and secure place for bank employees only to exchange common concerns, regulatory complaints and other sensitive information without fear of observation by regulators, examiners, and the public.
All users of the Private Forum are allowed to also access the private access directory. Instructions for getting into the private access directory are found in a post on the Private Forum.
PRIVATE FORUM ACCESS AVAILABLETo gain access to the Private Forum you must first be a registered user of BankersOnline. To register go to:
https://www.BankersOnline/comIf you are a registered user of the BankersOnline and used a bank email address for this, send a request to:
carin@bankersonline.com and in the subject line type
Private Forum Request from your bank email address, and include your registered user name. Simply say "I'd like access to the private forum." When we've verified your bank employee status, we'll make the programming change giving you access. When you next logon you'll see the Private forums.