OK, I'll bite.
I disagree with your lending department's interpretation, because I don't think the definition of 'escrow' hinges on whether reserves are collected.
Take a second look at the RESPA definition - it talks about charges that both parties voluntarily agree that the servicer should collect & pay. That's what you're doing with the PMI premium.
I checked the definition of discretionary payments at 3500.17(o), but it doesn't fit because PMI is a settlement service (3500.2(b)(10)) and because it's required by the lender. (This last part assumes you wouldn't make the loan without PMI...)
In our shop, we take 2 months PMI reserve as a cushion at closing. Monthly premiums are listed in the initial & annual analysis, just like 'deposited' amounts from the customer payments and regular disbursements to other insurance companies or taxing authorities.
Hope this is helpful.
Opinions are Bartman's, not those of my employer. "A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man."