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#599041 - 08/14/06 11:27 PM You Might Be a Partisan....
Hrothgar Geiger Offline
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Hrothgar Geiger
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From an essay by Chris Satullo
"If you think God smiles and nods whenever you talk...

If you think the "politics of personal destruction" is something only the other side practices...

If you assume everyone else is just as willing as you are to do dastardly things to win...

If you always think your favorite "facts" are pertinent and true, while the other guy's are always specious and beside the point...

If you see no contradiction in using falsehood, subterfuge, and vicious personal attacks to advance a "moral values" agenda...

Ditto a high-minded "progressive" agenda...

You just might be a partisan.

If you consider Ann Coulter a valiant truth-teller whom journalists should emulate...

Ditto Michael Moore...

If you ever use phrases such as "Bible-thumping, gay-bashing gun nuts" or "America-hating, degenerate-loving liberals" in any way other than ironic...

You just might be a partisan.

If you think Bill Clinton's scandals were "just about sex"...

If you think Bill Clinton's scandals were even remotely as dangerous to the Constitution as what's gone on in the last six years...

If you can't name a single elected official you admire of the other party...

You just might be a partisan.

If you've ever called a newspaper to cancel your subscription over one op-ed you didn't like...

If you're sure that all of the media are biased against your candidate...

If the only "news" you trust comes from ideological Web sites such as or

You might be a partisan.

If you think shouting insults proves you "have passion"...

If, when you post on a blog, you type in ALL CAPS...

If you're in the habit of intoning that the prospect of the other guys winning an election is "scary"...

You might be a partisan.

If you think the only problem with Karl Rove is he doesn't play for your team...

If you think one idiotic congressman with cash in his fridge offsets the sprawling Abramoff-DeLay-Norquist corruptions...

If you oppose campaign reform because, after all, your side is just one election away from getting its paws back on the cash machine..."

You might be a partisan.

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#599042 - 08/14/06 11:34 PM Re: You Might Be a Partisan....
Clown Boy Offline
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Clown Boy
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The Drunken Monkey doesn't do any of those things.
I am the ringmaster of my domain!

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#599043 - 08/15/06 01:24 AM Re: You Might Be a Partisan....

..... if you post things like post #1

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#599044 - 08/15/06 01:27 AM Re: You Might Be a Partisan....
Fraudman CFCI Offline
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Fraudman CFCI
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No question about it, I am partisan!

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#599045 - 08/15/06 12:47 PM Re: You Might Be a Partisan....
Hrothgar Geiger Offline
10K Club
Hrothgar Geiger
Joined: Jun 2005
Posts: 10,395
Jersey Shore

No question about it, I am partisan!

quelle surprise...

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#599046 - 08/15/06 02:39 PM Re: You Might Be a Partisan....

I hope everyone is partisan about something. It doesn't have to be a political party. What could be worse than going through life not standing for something?

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