Real Estate Checklist

Posted By: SouthernComfort

Real Estate Checklist - 08/09/01 05:15 PM

When checking Residential Real Estate Loans for compliance, does anyone have a checklist they use. I am new to this area and although I have attended a Certification program I am still struggling. Any help in this area will be appreciated.
Posted By: Andy_Z

Re: Real Estate Checklist - 08/09/01 07:44 PM

I am e-mailing you workpapers I use for the following:

1) Escrow analysis on multiple existing accounts
2) An escrow input sheet to log amounts when doing a single new loan anlysis
3) RE audit sheet (real meat for audits)
4) Reg. Z Const-Perm and consumer closed end audit sheets, (again, meaty stuff).

These are helpful because I go item by item and the cites are included. That means it is easy to go back and see the exact requirement and easy to put into the final audit report. It is also helpful because with the cite, if someone asks a question, you can reference the reg immediately without having to look at the entire reg first.

Andy Zavoina
Opinions stated are not necessarily that of my employer.

Posted By: Amy

Re: Real Estate Checklist - 08/10/01 06:40 PM


Would you mind forwarding the same information to me?
I am trying to revise my current documents and I think yours might be helpful.


Posted By: JSD

Re: Real Estate Checklist - 08/13/01 12:18 PM

I also would be interested in your workpapers. Thanks
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Real Estate Checklist - 08/13/01 01:35 PM

Me too!!
Posted By: Betsy

Re: Real Estate Checklist - 08/13/01 02:04 PM

I would also be eager to have a checklist. If possible please forward them to me at THANKS. :-)
Posted By: zitch70

Re: Real Estate Checklist - 08/14/01 04:40 AM

I would be interested also. Please email the workpapers also. Why don't you post it on your website? My email address is
Posted By: Jeannette

Re: Real Estate Checklist - 08/13/01 05:51 PM

Include me on your e-mail list to receive the loan checklist:

Thanks so much Andy, for all your help and advice given on this discussion board. I have learned plenty from you, as well as from your web page.

Posted By: Andy_Z

Re: Real Estate Checklist - 08/13/01 05:58 PM

I'll try to get these on my Web site in the next day or two. I'll try to remember to post a notice here when I get it up.

Thanks for the interest.

Andy Zavoina
Opinions stated are not necessarily that of my employer.

Posted By: KimC

Re: Real Estate Checklist - 08/13/01 06:49 PM

Another good source is Their Big Orange Book has A Disclosure Requirement Quick Reference Guide. This is for consumer loans secured by 1-4 family re.
Posted By: Jackie

Re: Real Estate Checklist - 08/13/01 09:38 PM

Ditto for me on Andy's RE checklist. Please send to
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Real Estate Checklist - 01/09/03 02:55 AM

In regards to

I am e-mailing you workpapers I use for the following:
1) Escrow analysis on multiple existing accounts
2) An escrow input sheet to log amounts when doing a single new loan anlysis
3) RE audit sheet (real meat for audits)
4) Reg. Z Const-Perm and consumer closed end audit sheets, (again, meaty stuff).

I'll try to get these on my Web site in the next day or two. I'll try to remember to post a notice here when I get it up.

I was doing a search and found this. I am interested in the real estate checklist and wanted to look on Andy's website to see if the checklist was still there, but I could not find the website. Could you give me your website address?
Posted By: Dan Persfull

Re: Real Estate Checklist - 01/09/03 01:31 PM

Try here. It's the URL listed on Andy's tag line.
Posted By: Andy_Z

Re: Real Estate Checklist - 01/09/03 01:53 PM

I don't know that I have all that on there. And when there isn't much demand for something, but some, I'll e-mail it rather than post it. If you don't see what you want, let me know.

(FYI, the URL is in my sig but not an active link as adding the code to do that would cause me to exceed the character length allowed in the sig. That is also why there is no space between my first and last name.)