§ 209.4 Amounts and payments for subscriptions and cancellations; timing and rate of dividends.

(a) Amount of subscription. The total subscription of a member bank (other than a mutual savings bank) shall equal six percent of its capital and surplus as shown on its most recent Call Report. After a member bank files a Call Report, the appropriate Reserve Bank will adjust the member bank's Reserve Bank capital stock subscription to equal six percent of the member bank's capital and surplus.

(b) Mutual savings banks. The total subscription of a member bank that is a mutual savings bank shall equal six-tenths of 1 percent of its total deposit liabilities as shown on its most recent Call Report. After a member bank that is a mutual savings bank files a Call Report, the appropriate Reserve Bank will adjust the member bank's Reserve Bank capital stock subscription to equal six-tenths of 1 percent of the member bank's total deposit liabilities. If a mutual savings bank has a deposit with the appropriate Reserve Bank in lieu of Reserve Bank capital stock, its deposit obligation shall be adjusted in a like manner.

(c) Payment for subscriptions. (1) When a Reserve Bank issues capital stock to a member bank (or accepts a deposit in lieu thereof), the member bank shall pay the Reserve Bank—

(i) One-half of the subscription amount; and

(ii) Accrued dividends equal to the paid-in subscription amount in paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section multiplied by—

(A) In the case of a bank with total consolidated assets of more than $12,517,000,000, an annual rate equal to the lesser of the high yield of the 10-year Treasury note auctioned at the last auction held prior to the date of the last dividend payment and 6 percent, adjusted to reflect the period from the last dividend payment date to the subscription date according to the dividend proration basis.

(B) In the case of a bank with total consolidated assets of $12,517,000,000 or less, 6 percent, adjusted to reflect the period from the last dividend payment date to the subscription date according to the dividend proration basis.

(2) A Reserve Bank shall obtain settlement for the payment described in paragraph (c)(1) of this section by debit to an account on the Reserve Bank's books or other form of settlement to which the Reserve Bank agrees.

(3) Upon payment (and in the case of a national banks in organization or state nonmember bank converting into a national bank, upon authorization or approval by the Comptroller of the Currency), the Reserve Bank shall issue the appropriate number of shares by crediting the bank with the appropriate number of shares on its books. In the case of a mutual savings bank not authorized to purchase Reserve Bank stock, the Reserve Bank will accept the deposit or addition to the deposit in place of issuing shares. The remaining half of the subscription or additional subscription (including subscriptions for deposits or additions to deposits) shall be subject to call by the Board.

(4) If the dividend rate applied at the next scheduled dividend payment date is based on a different annual rate than the rate used to compute the amount of the accrued dividend payment pursuant to paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section, the amount of the dividends paid at the next scheduled dividend payment date should be adjusted accordingly. The amount of the adjustment should equal the difference between—

(i) The accrued dividend payment pursuant paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section, and

(ii) The result of multiplying the subscription amount paid pursuant to paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section by the dividend rate applied at the next scheduled dividend payment, adjusted to reflect the period from the last dividend payment date to the subscription date according to the dividend proration basis.

(d) Payment for cancellations. (1) When a Reserve Bank cancels Reserve Bank capital stock of a member bank, or (in the case of involuntary termination of membership) upon the effective date of cancellation specified in § 209.3(c)(3), the Reserve Bank shall—

(i) Reduce the bank’s shareholding on the Reserve Bank's books by the number of shares required to be canceled and shall pay the paid-in subscription of the canceled stock; and

(ii) Pay accrued dividends equal to the paid-in subscription of the canceled stock in paragraph (d)(1)(i) of this section multiplied by—

(A) In the case of a bank with total consolidated assets of more than $12,517,000,000, an annual rate equal to the lesser of the high yield of the 10-year Treasury note auctioned at the last auction held prior to the date of cancellation and 6 percent, adjusted to reflect the period from the last dividend payment date to the cancellation date according to the dividend proration basis; or

(B) In the case of a bank with total consolidated assets of $12,517,000,000 or less, 6 percent, adjusted to reflect the period from the last dividend payment date to the cancellation date according to the dividend proration basis.

(2) The sum of the payments under paragraph (d)(1) of this section cannot exceed the book value of the stock.5

(3) In the case of any cancellation of Reserve Bank stock under this Part, the Reserve Bank may first apply such sum to any liability of the bank to the Reserve Bank and pay over the remainder to the bank (or receiver or conservator, as appropriate).

5Under sections 6 and 9(10) of the Act, a Reserve Bank is under no obligation to pay unearned accrued dividends on redemption of its capital stock from an insolvent member bank for which a receiver has been appointed or from state member banks on voluntary withdrawal from or involuntary termination of membership.

(e) Dividend. (1) After all necessary expenses of a Reserve Bank have been paid or provided for, the stockholders of a Reserve Bank shall be entitled to receive a dividend on paid-in capital stock of—

(i) in the case of a bank with total consolidated assets of more than $12,517,000,000, the lesser of the annual rate equal to the high yield of the 10-year Treasury note auctioned at the last auction held prior to the payment of such dividend and an annual rate of 6 percent, or

(ii) in the case of a bank with total consolidated assets of $12,517,000,000 or less, an annual rate of 6 percent.

(2) The dividend pursuant to paragraph (e)(1) of this section will be adjusted to reflect the period from the last dividend payment date to the current dividend payment date according to the dividend proration basis.

(3) The entitlement to dividends under paragraph (e)(1) of this section shall be cumulative.

(f) Annual adjustment to total consolidated assets. The dollar amounts for total consolidated assets specified in paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) of this section and §§ 209.2 and 209.3 shall be adjusted annually to reflect the change in the Gross Domestic Product Price Index, published by the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Regulation Subsection Info: