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#1119974 - 01/30/09 04:03 PM

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OMG! imho, this is wrong on so many levels. Other doctors are accusing the fertility doctor of malpractice. Normally only two embrios are inplanted...not eight! And in a woman who already has six children under the age of seven???!!! Did they counsel her that she was crazy to want this? Why didn't they just say no??!!
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#1119981 - 01/30/09 04:07 PM
Re: Octuplets
Truffle Royale
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I thought the same thing, TR. Did you see that her husband is being shipped to Iraq shortly?
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#1119999 - 01/30/09 04:14 PM
Re: Octuplets
Truffle Royale
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middle of the country
I AGREE!!! Raises so many questions, like how was this paid for when they recently declared BK and lost their home, why would any dr implant that many??? And 14 little ones plus three adults in a 2/3 bedroom home would be a nightmare!!
Treading water in a hurricane
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#1120020 - 01/30/09 04:25 PM
Re: Octuplets
MB Guy
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Living in the land of Oz
Why would you do this? For the notoriety? And it looks like the taxpayers will be suporting all 14 kids. This is wrong!!!!!
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#1120051 - 01/30/09 04:36 PM
Re: Octuplets
Ready to Retire
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Down Yonder
Why would you do this? For the notoriety? And it looks like the taxpayers will be suporting all 14 kids. This is wrong!!!!! My guess is that you do it for your very own long-running show on TLC. Because many times while watching John&Kate +8 and 16&Counting (or whatever its called) I've thought "Hey, that looks like fun - I should totally try that sometime!"
...not only will I do it for you, I... I... I... yes, yes, I'll do it for you.
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#1120056 - 01/30/09 04:37 PM
Re: Octuplets
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Somewhere in the middle
I had the same thoughts this morning. How Irresponsible on so many levels.
I'm only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.
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#1120065 - 01/30/09 04:40 PM
Re: Octuplets
DD Regs
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Land of Enchantment
I didn't realize she was inplanted, I thought she was just taking fertility drugs. Which, that in itself is just as crazy when you already have 6 kids. What were these people thinking?
You need an attitude adjustment ---- let me get my tools!
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#1120067 - 01/30/09 04:40 PM
Re: Octuplets
Truffle Royale
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OMG! imho, this is wrong on so many levels. Other doctors are accusing the fertility doctor of malpractice. Normally only two embrios are inplanted...not eight! And in a woman who already has six children under the age of seven???!!! Did they counsel her that she was crazy to want this? Why didn't they just say no??!! Unless there's another story you're referring to, I think you may be misreading the story you linked - it appears to me that the "expert" consulted by the reporter is saying that he doesn't think a clinic would have done this, that it was more likely the mother taking fertility drugs on her own. Are the babies healthy?
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#1120072 - 01/30/09 04:42 PM
Re: Octuplets
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Way, way south.
JMan, I think they are as healthy as 1 lb. babies can be, although I heard two had to go back on ventilators, but the rest are surprisingly healthy considering....
Giddy up.
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#1120077 - 01/30/09 04:44 PM
Re: Octuplets
MB Guy
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I've not seen the original story (I've not seen many news stories, period, given the ice storm/power outages/lack of phone, internet, cable...).
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#1120078 - 01/30/09 04:44 PM
Re: Octuplets
Diamond Poster
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Where would she get the drugs? I thought that you had to have prescriptions - at least my DIL did.
Semiretired. Working parttime at Historic Westville as a tour guide.
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#1120080 - 01/30/09 04:45 PM
Re: Octuplets
10K Club
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Chlomid would require a prescription. Not sure what you could take that would be effective w/o one.
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#1120104 - 01/30/09 04:53 PM
Re: Octuplets
Diamond Poster
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Living in the land of Oz
Does she really want to remain anonymous or is she just trying to make the story better?
No word on the father yet? Wouldn't there have to be one for the implanted embyros or could there be a donor from a sperm bank? I'm not up on this stuff.
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#1120132 - 01/30/09 05:01 PM
Re: Octuplets
10K Club
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In the Snow :)
I heard they were implanted and that there is no husband in the picture.
Grandfather said they are moving to a large house and that the press will not be able to find them.
Something here does not sound right at all.
The woods are lovely dark & deep & I have promises to keep & miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep
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#1120134 - 01/30/09 05:02 PM
Re: Octuplets
Snow Bunny
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maybe they're starting a sweatshop employing underage kids for manufacturing bootleg superbowl shirts and they're planning for future expansion
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#1120138 - 01/30/09 05:05 PM
Re: Octuplets
Truffle Royale
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How could any doctor inpregnante a womas with little or no visable means of support and six kids already. I think he should loose his license over this one. That's a slippery do you decide what amount of "support" is necessary to raise children? Having money doesn't make someone a fit parent.
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#1120146 - 01/30/09 05:08 PM
Re: Octuplets
Ready to Retire
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The O.C., California
There is no known father of the 8. Apparently it was done in-vitro - the embryos were implanted. What in the world was the doctor thinking???
Where is the father of the original 6? They are aged 2 through 7 - twins are age 2. What woman in her right mind wants more than 6 and tries that hard to get it done? She's on public assistance -- apparently WE paid for the fertility treatments! That's just not right.
Woman of unknown marital status, unemployed, 6 kids, lives with mom & dad in little house in Whittier. Couldn't be more than 3 or 4 bedrooms. Where will they put 8 babies?
Radio reporter yesterday was trying to interview neighbors and the neighbors were getting annoyed. Reporter said on air - yeah, just wait til the satellite trucks get here with all the network people trying to line up the first interview.
I hate to see this woman rewarded with a big payoff from People magazine or something like that, but at least it would disqualify her from public assistance and I wouldn't be paying for her and her 14 kids.
I can explain it to you. I can't understand it for you.
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#1120152 - 01/30/09 05:11 PM
Re: Octuplets
10K Club
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four more and her kids can play a full nine on nine baseball game
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#1120160 - 01/30/09 05:14 PM
Re: Octuplets
Angel Eyes
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Big Brother knows and that's a...
How could any doctor inpregnante a womas with little or no visable means of support and six kids already. I think he should loose his license over this one. That's a slippery do you decide what amount of "support" is necessary to raise children? Having money doesn't make someone a fit parent. Having money doesn't make someone a fit parent...I agree. However, having 6 children already and adding another 8, in my mind doesn't make you a fit parent, PERIOD. How is she supposed to give each child the attention it needs? What if one or all of these kids end up being autistic...or have other issues? Who is going to take care of them? Are they going to get the care and attention they need? The whole thing is wrong.
My opinion is mine only- not my employer's!
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