Their position is that a bank can't know if it is meeting the needs of the entire community unless it has some idea what those needs are.
Here are some resources you may be able to get your hands on to determine you areas needs:
..The local United Way should be assessing the communities' needs on a 3 to 5 year overlapping basis. They usually identify education, health and financial stability needs of the low income community (along with transportation and living wage jobs).
..Each city receiving community block grant money from the feds should be creating a 5 year plan on the best way to support the underserved community needs in that MSA and how best to invest the CBG money.
..Go to CFED and review your states' report card. That will give you a very good idea of a state's needs.
..Do you own survey of community needs by asking your non-profit partners what your community needs are for their clients. Most likely it will focus on affordable housing, jobs, transportation, child care, education, financial education, healthcare, health insurance.....
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.