I am getting creative these days~ Let me know if I am getting too carry away~
On Q&A 12(h)-8, It talks about if project involving low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC), even if less than 50% of units are rented out to LMI, they can still receive full consideration. (meaning no pro-rata is needed). This is due to the LIHTC has express and dona fide intent for affordable housing.
I recently learnt about FHLB's Community Investment Program (CIP). In order for a project to be qualified under CIP, it has to have community development purpose on top of other requirements. (I attached two links regarding the CIP)
http://www.occ.gov/topics/community-affairs/publications/fact-sheets/fact-sheet-fed-home-loan.pdfhttp://www.fhlbsf.com/community/credit/cip-profile.aspxFollowing the reporting logic of LIHTC case; If the Bank financed a housing project that is confirmed to be FHLB's CIP, since the CIP has express community development purpose, can we report the full amount, instead of pro-rated one. Please kindly let me know your thoughts~
Thank you very much.