If you are not that far away from becoming large, why dump data collection and analysis ( which is really necessary for an ISB) and then have to retrain and start all over again.
If you don't file for 2006 then you have lost the option to be examined as a Large bank until you become one.
At the FRB Community Development Conference a couple weeks ago, it was clearly stated that an ISB is expected to "Know their story and be able to tell it" The only way you can do that is to collect and analize you data. You need to know what the Community Needs are and be able to discuss them. Writting a formal Community Needs Assessment has been dropped, but you still need to know what they are and show how you are meeting those needs.
As far as dollar amount and number of CD loans, so much of an ISB exam is dependent on the subjectivity of the examiner. Small Business loans may not qualify as CD loans.
So if you need to provide data to examiners prior to the exam and collect data in order to answer examiner questions, IMO don't drop your system.
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