Some of the most important "performance context" data you can have is the CRA and HMDA loan data for your assessment area. This data is used to establish the performance benchmarks against which your bank is compared. If you wonder how examiners decide what percentage of loans you make should be in LMI tracts, one of the methods is to take the market "penetration rate" and compare it to the percentage of your loans in the AA LMI Tracts. If 15% of the HMDA reported mortgages in your AA are in the LMI Tracts and you have only 5%, then you need to understand why you compare so poorly to the market. This means having the data, anlalyzing it and understanding it. Aside from CRA implications, you may be missing a good opportunity in your market. By the way, this is also good market analysis too.
CRA Exam Preparation, CRA Performance Evaluations, Key Performance Benchmarks, & maps