You have a choice if your are going to include your affiliate(s). If you do choose to report your affiliate loans you cannot pick and choose the loans. So if you have multiple affiliates then you will need to report all loans from those affiliates.
Pg 9 CRA Gettinr It Right
Affiliate Loans
Affiliate means any company that
controls, is controlled by, or is under
common control with another
company. The term “control” has the
meaning given to that term in 12
U.S.C. 1841(a)(2), and a company is
under common control with another
company if both companies are
directly or indirectly controlled by the
same company.
An institution is not required to
collect information on affiliate loans.
However, an institution that elects to
have its regulator consider loans by
an affiliate, for purposes of the
lending or community development
test or an approved strategic plan,
must collect, maintain, and report for
those loans the data that the
institution would have collected,
maintained, and reported had the
loans been originated or purchased
by the institution.
"truth does not occur in the database" - Actual search result on a goverment website