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Bank Needs in the Wake of 9/11

Assuming you were doing a consulting job with a community bank, would you alter your approach based on the actions on 9/11?

Answer by John Floyd:
As you might guess, our consulting team has spent some time addressing key issues for our customers as a result of recent events. What we've agreed upon is that, along with helping banks address ways to increase their net interest income, we intend to help them look even more closely at the expense-side of their business. Over the past few years, most community banks have been able to significantly grow their assets to offset increasing expenses. Now it's time to take a closer look at both their expenses and their net interest income.


Answer by Gayle Sherry:

I believe the events of 9-11 have rasied organizations' awareness of the need to nurture employees. I'm currently working on an article and presentation about "Taking Care of Employees During Tough Times." Whether those tough times are the result of international and national terror, such as those we experienced on September 11 of last year, or domestic terror such as that we experienced on April 19, 1995 in Oklahoma City, employees react to events. Often, productivity will decline as employees are distracted. In addition, employees need some time and understanding as they go through the grief process. In my experience, the closer the employee is to the actual event, the more severe the reaction and the longer it takes for healing.

What can we as leaders and managers do to help? We can understand, be compassionate and listen. If needed, we can refer employees to an Employee Assistance Program (EAP.) Finally, I believe it's worth the investment - if we take care of employees during the tough times, we'll see tremendous return from those same employees in terms of loyalty and commitment.

Editor's Note: Disaster recovery plans have taken on increased importance/significance in the wake of 9/11 as well.

First published on 4/01/02

First published on 04/01/2002

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