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Choosing an Online Banking Vendor
We're in the process of choosing an online banking vendor. Can anyone who's been through it help us out by giving us the benefit of their thoughts on what they did right and what they wish they had done differently?
Monitoring Domain Names
How can we monitor who might be using a domain name similar to ours?
Multiple Domain Names
Do you think there's any benefit to be gained by having multiple domain names for our bank, or is there any regulation that requires us to just have one? Does it have to have the word "bank" in it?
Electronic Intruders
I have installed the BlackIce Firewall on our internet PC at the bank. Yesterday it detected an intruder and successfully blocked them. It gave me their IP address but no other information was available. I have reported it to the President, what else should I do? Do I need to call the FDIC or just document that it happened? BlackIce provides a way to see where it came from and all it told me was Asian-Pacific origin. This is a new process for us and has me somewhat on edge.
Promoting Online Banking
We will be launching online banking in about 60 days. I would appreciate any ideas you might have for making our customers aware of it, promoting it outside the bank, getting people to try it.