With the changing world of banking due to the infusion of information technology, what do you see as the role of the bank's security officer and the challenges ahead?
Is there data available as to what percentage of checking account holders opt for internet banking/bill payment ? I'm looking for a benhmark against which to measure my experience.
I am in search of software of some sort to do the following for the Safe Deposit Box area:<ul><li>All agreements and contracts online.</li><li>All entry cards online.</li><li>When a customer wants in their box, they would no longer sign a card. They would sign an electronic pad that would add their signature to their records.</li><li>Do billing and reconciling.</li></ul>Can anyone help me find this?
We get lots of complaints about our bank's Web site and Internet banking service. Is this typical? What are other institutions experiencing? How do you respond, or do you?We are having an internal debate about whether to just fix the "problems" users are carping about, or whether to do some true usability testing. If we do usability testing, should we do it with a focus group of actual customers, or is it best to hire experts?
What are the pros and cons with buying, leasing or renting office equipment? Is there some rule of thumb or formula that could help us determine which course of action would be best for our bank?