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Exception Tracking Spreadsheet (TicklerTrax™)
Downloaded by more than 1,000 bankers. Free Excel spreadsheet to help you track missing and expiring documents for credit and loans, deposits, trusts, and more. Visualize your exception data in interactive charts and graphs. Provided by bank technology vendor, AccuSystems. Download TicklerTrax for free.

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IRS proposes to amend electronic filing requirements

The Internal Revenue Service has published in today's Federal Register proposed regulations that would amend the rules for determining whether information returns must be filed electronically. The proposed regulations would require that all information returns, regardless of type, be taken into account to determine whether a person meets the 250-return threshold and, therefore, must file the information returns electronically. The proposed regulations also would require any person required to file information returns electronically to file corrected information returns electronically, regardless of the number of corrected information returns being filed. Current rules provide a separate 250-return threshold for each type of information return. Comments and requests for a public hearing on the proposal will be accepted for 60 days (through July 30, 2018).

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