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Email Tips - Jim Calloway

Email Tips
by Jim Calloway, Director Oklahoma Bar Association Management Assistance Program

Save an email message and the attachment together

We all receive emails with attachments. As you know, you can save the attachment to your hard drive and access it later. But what about the rest of the email message that transmitted the document? A message such as, "This is the version that was approved by the court" can be critical information to have and it would be great if one could somehow keep that message with the attachment. Microsoft Outlook allows you to save a message AND the attachment together in a folder on your hard drive (just as you do with all your other documents.) Here's what you do:

Open the message with the attachment. Go to the toolbar and choose "File" and "Save As". A dialog box will pop up and you can choose where you want to put the message and attachemnt. Pick a name for the message and then click on "Save as Type." Choose "Message Format (*msg). This will automatically save the message and attachment together as an Outlook message. Then you can go back into Windows Explorer, find the file, open it, and you will have the attached document along with the orginal message!

When keystrokes are mentioned with a plus sign (e.g., Alt + Tab) it means that both keys should be pressed simultaneously.

When actions are separated by a dash (e.g., Click File - Print ) it means that they should be done in sequence.

First published on 5/31/04

First published on 05/31/2004

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