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Build a "Did You Know" Feature Into Your Web Site

by Michele Petry

Educate your customers!

You've spent a ton of money to offer online services, yet you may find your customers are only scratching the surface of what they can do on your site. Get your money's worth out of the features you paid for -- and make your customers more satisfied at the same time -- by building a "Did You Know?" feature into your Web site to place little-used features or special offerings in the spotlight.

Here's an example of the type of "Did You Know?" feature you could use:

"Did you know that this month there is a special BONUS CD rate for all new CDs? ... Sign up for a 6 month CD today to earn an annual percentage yield of 6%"

Of course, you would need to fully attend to your disclosure/advertising obligations are for whatever the product is, but the point is that you need to tell your customers what your offerings are, and a "Did You Know?" section is a great way to do it. You own the real estate (the space on your site), and it's like a billboard in Cyberspace. Use it!

First published on 08//27/01

First published on 08/27/2001

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