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Information on SCRA for Specific State Benefits

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This question pertains to SCRA. From how I understand the act, it pertains to Federal guidelines for Service Members. I am trying to understand the state specific guidelines that would give the Service Members additional benefits. Is there a centralized website or a guide that would provide SCRA specific state benefits for all of the states?

The SCRA is a law, not a guideline. Let's start with that. Many states have provided additional benefits to servicemembers and these change regularly based on the news alerts I receive. I have not seen any centralized site that gathers state specific information but would refer you to the state banking associations in the states where you operate for more and current information. That will also help you pinpoint financial related information. A lot of SCRA has to do with tax and dependant's issues that I have seen.

First published on 10/06/2014

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