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Tx Specific Deposit Forms

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This is actually Texas specific, but I need help. Does the Uniform Single- Or Multiple-Party Account Form apply to sole proprietorship accounts? I cannot find a clear answer on the applicability to this account or entity type.

I guess I am confused, as if this is a deposit account for a sole proprietorship, how can the account be anything other than a single party account? Why would a bank make available a multiple party account to a sole proprietorship?

Sec. 113.053. REQUIRED DISCLOSURE; USE OF FORM. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (d), a financial institution shall disclose the information provided in this subchapter to a customer before the customer selects or modifies an account.

((d) If a type of multiple-party account is not available from a financial institution, the financial institution is not required to make a disclosure about that type of account.

First published on 10/02/2022

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