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When vendors are not cooperative

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How do you deal with a vendor point of contact who is not providing you with the documentation that you are requesting?

Well, hopefully you are still in the “dating stage” of the vendor due diligence phase and this situation is not after the binding agreement has already been signed! It depends on the documentation that you are requesting. Is this a critical piece of recordkeeping that is absolute or is this something that you can locate in a public database or obtain from your regulator, if they are a core vendor or a widely used fintech? Your program will need to detail the absolutes and the things you can live without. On the other hand, you need to be the driver of the relationship, especially in the beginning and if you are getting a bad taste in your mouth right off, that may not be a good sign. We will address these scenarios in the session!


Learn more about Maureen Carollo’s Vendor Due Diligence & FinTechs webinar.

First published on 03/17/2024

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