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The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has been informed by Bank of America, Dallas, Texas, that 1,000 of the bank's cashier's checks have been stolen while in transit from the check printer to the bank

Bank of America

Dallas, TX


Mr. Jim Grace

Voice (214) 209-9097

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has been informed by Bank of America, Dallas, Texas, that 1,000 of the bank's cashier's checks have been stolen while in transit from the check printer to the bank. The bank's routing number is 114000019, and the account number is 001641003748. Circulation may be widespread. A copy of one of the bank's checks is attached for your information. The missing checks are numbered as follows:

  • 424100 through 424599
  • 473600 through 474099

Any information you may have concerning these items should be directed to:

Mr. Jim Grace
Corporate Security
Bank of America
Dallas, Texas
Telephone: (214) 209-9097
Fax: (214) 209-9691

Information about these checks or similar items may be forwarded to the FDIC's Special Activities Section, 550 17th Street, NW, Room F-6012, Washington, DC 20429. Information may also be transmitted electronically to

For your reference, all FDIC Financial Institution Letters published since January of 1995 may be found on the FDIC's Web site at under "News, Events & FOIA." To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Financial Institution Letters through e-mail, please visit

Michael J. Zamorski Director, Division of Supervision
and Consumer Protection

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