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The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency has provided a listing of entities engaged in unauthorized banking activities named in OCC alerts since 1996

Office of the Comptroller of the Currency

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Voice (202) 874-5301

Special Alerts

April 12, 2006

TO: CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (also of interest to Security Officer)SUBJECT: Unauthorized Banking Summary: The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency has provided a listing of entities engaged in unauthorized banking activities named in OCC alerts since 1996.

On March 28, 2006, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) issued the attached Alert 06-16, which provides an alphabetical listing of entities engaged in unauthorized banking activities, both offshore and domestic, named in OCC alerts from 1996 through the date the listing was issued. The listing is intended to aid in the search for names of such entities and to indicate the nature of the problem that prompted the alert. Both the listing and the individual alerts are available on the OCC's website at (click "Issuances," then "Alerts").

Any information concerning this matter should be brought to the attention of:

Mail: Office of the Comptroller of the CurrencyEnforcement & Compliance Division, MS 8-10
250 E Street, SW
Washington, DC 20219Fax: (202) 874-5301 E-mail:occalertresponses@occ.treas.govInternet:

Information about counterfeit items, cyber-fraud incidents and other fraudulent activity may be forwarded to the FDIC's Cyber-Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, 550 17th Street, N.W., Room F-4004, Washington, D.C. 20429, or transmitted electronically to Information related to federal deposit insurance or consumer issues should be submitted to the FDIC using an online form that can be accessed at

For your reference, FDIC Special Alerts may be accessed from the FDIC's website at To learn how to automatically receive FDIC Special Alerts through e-mail, please visit

Sandra L. ThompsonActing Director
Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection

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