The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) has identified a Web site claiming to be associated with a national bank named Sovereign Trust Capital Reserve Bank, NA
Sovereign Trust Capital Reserve Bank, N.A.
Multiple City/State(s), All States
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Special Supervision Division
Fax (202) 874-5214
Subject: Unauthorized Banking Description: Sovereign Trust Capital Reserve Bank, N.A. Date:August 27, 2009 TO:
Chief Executive Officers of All National Banks; All State Banking Authorities; Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; Conference of State Bank Supervisors; Deputy Comptrollers (districts); Assistant Deputy Comptrollers; District Counsel and Examining Personnel
RE: Sovereign Trust Capital Reserve Bank, N.A.
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) has identified a Web site claiming to be associated with a national bank named Sovereign Trust Capital Reserve Bank, N.A. The Sovereign Trust Capital Reserve Bank, N.A., is not authorized pursuant to federal law to conduct business as a national bank by the OCC. It is a violation of federal criminal law, 18 USC 709, for any corporation or person acting on behalf of a corporation to hold itself out as a national bank without authorization. All national banks are chartered and regulated by the OCC, a bureau of the United States Department of the Treasury.
This entity has purported physical locations in Crow Agency, Montana; Georgetown, Texas; Stockholm, Sweden; and Panama City, Panama. As of now, the above Web site and associated telephone numbers have been disabled. Additional information concerning this matter that you believe should be brought to the attention of the OCC may be forwarded to:
E-mail: Mail: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Special Supervision Division, MS 6-4
250 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20219 Fax: (202) 874-5214 Internet:
For additional information regarding other types of financial fraud, please visit the OCC's anti-fraud resource at:
Richard C. Stearns
Director for Enforcement & Compliance