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Mock Holdups-A Good Idea?

The Bank Protection Act calls for the training of employees in their responsibilities during robberies. But more and more security professionals are not in favor of that training being a mock holdup.

Rehearsal for a holdup done correctly and frequently is a good idea. Reflexes and responses are more likely to be correct if they are automatic due to repetitive training.

However, doing that rehearsal by means of a mock holdup adds realism and, unfortunately, danger. Recently, in the northeast part of the country, a bank decided to stage a mock hold-up at one of its branches. The security department team of "robbers" contacted the local police department and the alarm company to let them know what was going on. Then they alerted the branch manager, but she was cautioned not to tell anyone else.

Just at closing time, as arranged with the manager, the "robbers" got out of their car, pulled on ski-masks, and headed for the branch. The branch manager, having assumed the responsibility of door management and lock-up after the last customer, let them in.

They burst into the lobby, brandishing their "guns" and started shouting at the employees, forcing their way back into the teller's area.

Two unanticipated things now occurred.

The local police force had gone through a shift change and notification of the exercise was not passed to the second shift.

A state trooper driving by observed the entry of the three individuals wearing ski-masks and carrying what appeared to be weapons.

The trooper immediately radioed for assistance, armed himself and headed for the bank. His wife was a teller inside!

Fortunately for all concerned, this incident concluded without mishap, taking on a finish much like the Keystone Cops! However, it could have had a very tragic ending.

Mock holdups-done cautiously and correctly-might still serve a purpose.

But a safer method of training may be the preferred route.

Agree - disagree? Let us know.

Copyright © 1990 Bankers' Hotline. Originally appeared in Bankers' Hotline, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1/90

First published on 01/01/1990

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