BAI Survey
A few months ago we ran a survey on security matters. We've been reporting on the results of that survey in the last few issues.
One of the subjects we didn't ask about was salaries. In response to the calls we've received, we are pleased to be able to share with you some of the results from the latest Bank Administration Institute research study, The Bank Security Survey-A Report on Bank Security Organization, Staffing and Practice which will be available in the near future.
The results of the survey came from the responses of 243 commercial banks. The size of the financial institutions were >
Assets $250 Million-$1 Billion
There were 134 respondents from banks with less than $1 billion in assets. 45% of these reported the director of security was a full-time commitment. The base salary for the security director ranged from an average minimum of $31,500 to a average maximum of $45,900.
Assets $1-$2.9 Billion
40 banks with assets in the $1-$2.9 billion answered the questions in the survey. 83% have a full-time security director. Average minimum base salary for the director was $36,900, reaching an average maximum of $57,400.
Assets $3-9.9 Billion
Responses were received from 43 of those banks having $3-$9.9 billion in assets. All have a full-time security director whose salaries ranged from a $44,200 average minimum to a $67,900 average maximum.
Assets $10 Billion and Over
Banks with assets of over $10 billion accounted for 26 of the responses to the BAI survey. It is interesting to note that 4% did not report a full-time security director-96% did. The base salary for the full-time security directors ranged from a minimum of $55,900 to a maximum of $89,700.
Survey Available
The BAI survey provides peer bank comparisons on many issues besides salaries of security directors, supervisors, investigators, etc. Among other things, it addresses the prevalence of centralizing the security function, reporting relationships within the organization, staffing levels, certification, costs and budgets, contracts, responsibilities of the security function and comprehensive statistical data.
The complete survey can be purchased by contacting Bank Administration Institute's Customer Service Department at (800) 224-9889. The cost is $99 for BAI members and $139 for non-members. Our thanks to the Bank Administration Institute for permitting us to share some of the information from the survey with the readers of BANKERS' HOTLINE.
Copyright © 1994 Bankers' Hotline. Originally appeared in Bankers' Hotline, Vol. 5, No. 1, 8/94