HMDA Tools
The Center for Community Change has released a software program, "HMDA Works" that is designed to perform a variety of analyses of HMDA data for CRA evaluations. The program analyzes lending rates by income and racial/ethnic composition, calculates market share for lenders by area, and ranks lenders by their performance in low income areas and minority communities. The program is specifically designed for use by community groups. For that very reason, it may be prudent for banks to obtain and use the software. That way, banks can find their lending problems first and be prepared when the community group comes calling.
The Center for Community Change is a leading national resource organization for groups trying to stimulate reinvestment in their local communities. For information about HMDA Works, contact the CCC's Becky O'Reilly at (202)342-0567.
Copyright © 1997 Compliance Action. Originally appeared in Compliance Action, Vol. 2, No. 15, 12/97