Worst Y2K Scam
Our candidate for the worst Y2K scam on record came out of Florida.
Seems representatives of a "religious" group went door to door in Florida, giving away hollowed out Bibles to people so that they could store their cash in a "safe" place on their bookshelves. They were doing this "in the spirit of love" for their fellow men. They were also invited to come to church, and a pamphlet for the church was given to the homeowners along with the Bible.
The church, contacted later, knew nothing of the visitations. The pamphlets had been taken from their vestibule where they were available on a table.
The Bibles, some of which were used, were later stolen in burglaries of the homes where they had been accepted. Some had been used for the purpose suggested - keeping cash withdrawn for the Y2K weekend. The thieves knew right where to find it.
Copyright © 2000 Bankers' Hotline. Originally appeared in Bankers' Hotline, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1/00