Solving Common Violations
3500.7(a): Timely delivery of GFE
- Include prototype GFEs in application packets.
- Check procedures to be sure loan intake officers provide timely (immediate) information about new applications.
3500.7(c): Content of GFE
- Review GFEs for completeness. Compare a sample of GFEs to the final HUD-1s to identify any information that should appear on GFEs.
- Determine whether fees disclosed are within range of the final numbers.
- Provide lenders with sample completed GFEs.
- Develop and use a GFE checklist.
3500.7(e): Required service provider
- Compile a list of required services and required providers for staff who prepare GFEs.
- Include the names, addresses and telephone numbers of required service providers!!
- Remind staff (in training, meetings, or memos) about the required service provider disclosures. Include this on your GFE checklist, above.
- Assign the monitoring responsibility of checking the fees of required service providers.
3500.8(b): Accuracy of fees on HUD-1
- Train on completing HUD-1s. Provide an example of completed HUD-1s and a check list.
- Give staff a list of top problems in completing HUD-1s.
- Establish procedures for disclosing fees paid outside of closing ("p.o.c.").
- Give staff a list of fees that are likely to occur outside of closing. Include these on the checklist.
3500.21 (b): Transfer of servicing
- Customers must sign this notice - even if it only happens at closing. Put it on the loan closing checklist.
- Audit your transfer of servicing notices annually to be sure they are current.
Previous highlighted violations:
Reg C: Home Mortgage Disclosure Act
Reg B: Equal Credit Opportunity
Reg E: Electronic Funds Transfers
Reg H
Copyright © 2001 Compliance Action. Originally appeared in Compliance Action, Vol. 6, No. 6, 6/01