Check Fraud Tool Compares Signatures Automatically
One of the leading types of check fraud is signature forgery, and one company is offering a system that they say will stop forged signatures from passing through the system unnoticed.
ASV Technologies, Inc. has partnered with Information Technology, Inc. to offer an advanced automatic signature verification that extracts and compares up to 100 distinct "features" a signature might have. Instead of random or selective verification of signatures by an expert, the system works in conjunction with a bank's check imaging system and signature database to compare all checks, which are then either accepted as genuine or passed along for visual inspection with notations as to why they were rejected. The companies say the results match those of the mostly highly trained and accurate signature verifiers. It works at rates of about 20 verifications per second and uses standard personal computers.
Copyright © 2001 Bankers' Hotline. Originally appeared in Bankers' Hotline, Vol. 11, No. 6, 7/01