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Doing Fair Lending Training

by Allan Virr

Fair lending training should take place across your institution. From marketing people to frontline personnel, there are aspects of fair lending that affect everyone.

Allan Virr has created a Power Point presentation that makes it easy to get your employees up to speed on this important subject area. In it, he covers:

  • Why are you here?
  • How to communicate with customers
  • The message you want to convey
  • The fair lending laws
  • Background about fair lending
  • Prohibited bases for discrimination
  • Covered aspects
  • Types of discrimination
  • Fair lending case studies
  • Consequences of violations
  • Hot topics in fair lending
  • What the future holds in this area

To download Allan's fair lending presentation for use in your next training session, right click on the link and save the file.

Allan Virr
I have been involved in compliance since 1981 for a small commercial bank in Southern NH and later for the mortgage subsidiary of a large commercial bank. In 1995, I was approached by the CEOs of three non-affiliated small community banks in New Hampshire to be a shared compliance administrator. Currently, there are five banks for whom I provide compliance oversight, training, and monitoring. The banks range in size from $85 million to $260 million in assets and are regulated by FDIC, OCC, and OTS. I publish a monthly newsletter for distribution throughout each bank to directors, officers, department heads. I have attended the ABA National Compliance School, National Graduate School of Compliance and the University of New Hampshire Training Seminar program. I hold designations as a CRCM and CRP (Certified Risk Professional [BAI]).

First published on 8/27/01

First published on 08/27/2001

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