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Determining the validity of ID

Question: In our CIP training, there were lots of questions about how to determine whether an ID is valid. Do you have any tips on what to look for?

Answer: One way to explain how to review an ID is to suggest that the students think about situations when their ID has been checked. Think about how your identity document identifies you and only you. Next, think about what would have to be altered in order to identify someone else. This should give everyone some ideas and also help to make this personal. We learn better when the issue is personal.

In addition to the above suggestion, we recommend the steps suggested by One approach is the "PLEASE" test. PLEASE stands for Picture of the individual, Logo or hologram of the issuer, Expiration date of the document, Age of the consumer, Signature of the consumer, and Evidence of tampering. These are all things that the banker should look at carefully to identify specific problems and to evaluate whether the information as a whole makes sense.

Other BOL suggestions include looking at the front and back of the ID. We also think that if the customer offers a passport, you should check out the middle pages to see where the consumer has been. Carefully review the ID for spelling or text errors. Also be sure that the document is presented correctly - ink color, typeface, arrangement, and spacing. Make sure the age of the customer appears consistent with the age or year of birth on the ID. Finally, look carefully at the customer, not just the ID. Judge whether the customer appears honest or nervous.

Incidently, you can purchase pre-printed cards from BOL with this information to hand out in your training sessions. It is always nice to send trainees away with something in their hands.

Copyright © 2003 Compliance Action. Originally appeared in Compliance Action, Vol. 8, No. 10, 10/03

First published on 10/01/2003

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