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Organize Start Menus for Programs and Favorites Alphabetically - Jim Calloway

Organize Start Menus for Programs and Favorites Alphabetically
by Jim Calloway, Director Oklahoma Bar Association Management Assistance Program

When you click on Start, you have the option to open one of several start menus. If you are like most people, the Start menus Programs and Favorites are probably a bit disorganized.

The original applications that were installed are listed beginning at the top in alphabetical order, then subsequent additions follow more or less in the order you installed them in Programs or added them as a Favorite.

If you find yourself spending time trying to locate just what you want here, perhaps alphabetizing the entire list would speed things up for you. It is as simple as opening the menu, right clicking and slecting "Sort by Name".

When keystrokes are mentioned with a plus sign (e.g. Alt + Tab) it means that both keys should be pressed simultaneously.

When actions are separated by a dash (e.g. Click File - Print ) it means that they should be done in sequence.

First published on 1/26/04

First published on 01/26/2004

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