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How To Get New Accounts - Quickly

by Rick Wemmers
Guru Bios

Having worked with a number of banks and top selling executives of 50 different industries, I've learned what works and what does not when quick sales revenue increases are desired. One thing is very clear, if there isn't a strong, genuine desire to get new business, it won't happen. You must believe it.

Many businesses feel it is too complicated and that their efforts just won't work - for them. I'm here to tell you that any business that follows the following suggestions WILL succeed.

First Step - Find Your Hunters (and Farmers)
Virtually every business sales force has some who are really good at making cold calls or convincing strangers to buy. I call these "hunters". Likewise each sales force has its' "farmers", those who just hate to make cold calls or even ask for the order. They fear being told no, which they take as a personal rejection, criticism.

Learn who your hunters are by giving everyone a simple, non-obtrusive selling behavior assessment. This can be done via the Internet in minutes and at minimal cost. The results will enable management to identify those who should be making new account calls and those who would be better suited (and productive) as administrative support to the hunters. The CEO or owner must agree with these designations.

Second Step - Sharpen Selling Skills
Many organizations give their sales force in-depth product knowledge training on the assumption that if a sales person "knows" the product they will sell it. Not true! Product knowledge is only part of the knowledge sales people need to have.

Sales people need to know "how to sell" as much, if not more, as what to sell. Give your hunters fresh sales training with special emphasis on the short cuts to getting answers that make it clear if this is a prospect or not. Personally I like the training that includes follow-up coaching and reinforcement for a couple of months. This gives the sales person time and opportunity to try, fail and try again, any new selling tactics learned.

I am even more excited if there is training on handling, overcoming Call Reluctance. This is the biggest obstacle for all sales people.

Third Step - Know Your Prospects Better Than They Do
Many sales people "wing it" when making calls. They don't see the wisdom of taking time to learn the prospect or prepare meeting questions. They just grab a bunch of product brochures, business card and make the call.

With no preparation they are quick to fall back on their winning personality and brochures when trying to make the sale. This is a wasted call, in my opinion.

Today's information sources make it very easy to learn a great deal about any business or individual and it doesn't cost a great deal either. Internet sites like and are excellent first steps. It just takes time and belief that this info will be necessary to make the call productive. Why call on a business who couldn't qualify to buy, even if they wanted to?!?

Fourth Step - Put 30-Day Action Plan in Writing
This should be a simple document, quick to read and update. In it should be:

  • Prospect contact information - no more than 10 at a time.
  • Background info on business
  • Date of calls and what was key parts of meeting
  • When calls are made and status

Fifth Step - Prepare For Each & Every Sales Call
Never make a prospect or any other sales call for that matter without making some preparations. Have your background details in hand and write down 2-4 questions you want to ask the prospect about their business or need for your product. If this is not the first call, determine what you hope to achieve with this call.

It is amazing in my sales training courses how much more personal confidence "green salesmen" have when they are armed with prospect knowledge and a game plan for the meeting.

Sixth Step - Making The Call
Always confirm appointment the day before and check your preparations for that call. Arrive early and check on the reception room, gatekeeper and magazines on the tables. Check your personal appearance.

During the appointment work at letting the prospect talk 70% of the time you are there. You can't learn much about their needs for your product if you are talking. Make notes in your notebook as the prospect is talking. This makes them feel very important.

Seventh Step - Prospect Status Determination
After the call, write down the key points you learned. Also determine, especially if this was the 5th visit, whether or not this prospect can be turned into a customer. Ask those serious questions and if there are more negatives than positives, consider dropping them.

Remember, your time is very valuable and you shouldn't waste it on prospects that aren't going to buy or make the move you must have to win.

The above steps WILL WORK if you have a positive attitude about selling and will make 4-5 calls per week on prospects. The secret to quick sales success is this formula: Attitude + Selling Skills + Lots of Calls = Success Like any good recipe, all ingredients are necessary to deliver what is promised. So if you want big successes quickly, do what is suggested above.

First published on 8/22/05

First published on 08/22/2005

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