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Guess the Guru -- BankersOnline 2nd Anniversary

The BOL anniversary celebration is being sponsored by ALLTEL Information Services

BOL Gurus are industry experts who contribute their time and insight to respond to the many questions submmitted by BOL users. Their backgrounds are quite diverse. From former regulators to a neuroscientist, see if you can guess who's who. Each week during the anniversary celebration, we're featuring a new group of some of our most active gurus.

Audits are this guru's specialty. From IT Audits to Compliance and Internal Audits -- not much passes by this guru unchecked. Maybe she's visited your bank to perform a review. Check your guess!

This guru has worn many hats throughout his 22 year banking career. From Security Officer and Compliance Officer to Executive Vice President, Senior Vice President, and Treasurer, this guru, who is now a professional speaker and consultant. has seen it from all sides of the bank. Check your guess!

When this guru isn't writing or speaking, he's helping banks with their strategic technology planning, Internet banking, information systems security, and business resumption planning. You'll also find this guru's latest work on IT Auditing for Financial Institutions available in our Banker Store. Check your guess!

One of the nation's leading regulatory experts, this guru co-authored Section 501 of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Data Protection regulation. After thirteen years with the Department of Treasury's Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) this guru has "retired" into the private sector as a vital member of the team of a company featured as a prominent BOL advertiser. Check your guess!

You'll find this guru's quick wit and humor, sprinkled throughout his substantive advice and comments in Bankers' Threads. A former FDIC examiner, this guru has produced well-respected compliance manuals, written numerous compliance articles, and is a frequent speaker for various banking organizations. Check your guess!

First published on 01/01/2001

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