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Mailbag and Feedback

FinCEN is keenly interested in hearing from financial institutions about the value and meaning of The SAR Activity Review ? Trends, Tips and Issues and By The Numbers to their daily operational and compliance needs. Since the first issue in October 2000, a feedback form has been included with each edition to enable members of the financial community and others to provide comments, suggestions, and other information about the usefulness of the information contained therein. The feedback form has undergone a metamorphosis from a very simple form in Issue 1, to a ?rating? form in Issues 2 through 5, and finally to an issue specific form, which appears on the following three pages in this edition. Unfortunately, after the publication of Issue 5 in February 2003, only a few financial institutions provided feedback to FinCEN.

Please, when you have completed digesting all the information contained in this issue of The SAR Activity Review, take a few moments to complete and return the Feedback form. As the Introduction states, the continuing exchange of information is critical to improve the SAR system. Your help is wanted and needed in this effort.

Excerpted from SAR Activity Review Issue 6, page 79

First published on 11/01/2003

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