What Do Other Bankers Do?
The Bank of Boulder in Colorado, which has $88 million in assets, was one of the most profitable banks in the United States last year, according to Sheshunoff Information Services, Inc. The AMERICAN BANKER in a feature on this institution in their August 27, 1991 issue cited several reasons for this outstanding performance.
One is the remarkable offer made through their ads in hunting magazines offering a free custom Weatherby rifle or shotgun in return for noninterest-bearing deposits.
Another is their dedication to service, providing such things as drive through teller windows which are open from 6:00 a.m. Monday morning through midnight Saturday night. Part time tellers help with the round-the-clock teller service.
The bank also solicits their customers' opinions of their service by sending out questionnaires where they can check off their choice of "impressed," "pleasantly surprised," "satisfied," "a bit annoyed," or "mad as hell." A refreshing approach, to say the least!
We wish them continued success.
Copyright © 1991 Bankers' Hotline. Originally appeared in Bankers' Hotline, Vol. 2, No. 9, 11/91