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Compliance Manuals On The Internet

A statement released on September 26, 1996 by the FDIC's Division of Compliance and Consumer Affairs (FIL-74-96) advises that three new documents have been posted in electronic versions to the Internet:
FDIC Compliance Examination Manual (FIL-49-96);
Mortgage Loan Prequalification: Applications or Not? (FIL-35-96); and
SIDE-BY-SIDE, A Guide to Fair Lending (FIL-36-96).

These documents are all searchable using Adobe Acrobat software and they may be accessed at the FDIC's home page at:

Copyright © 1996 Bankers' Hotline. Originally appeared in Bankers' Hotline, Vol. 6, No. 12, 11/96

First published on 11/01/1996

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