Statistics, Facts, & Such
Huntington Bancshares (Columbus, Ohio) projects that eventually only 20% of a bank's interactions with its customers will be through the traditional branch system. 80% will be by Web sites, telephones, personal computers, smart cards, point of sale and interactive video, etc.
There are 11,924 credit unions in the United States.
Pennsylvania has 884 credit unions-more than any other state.
The largest credit union in the United States is the Navy Federal Credit Union in Vienna, Virginia. It has $8.9 billion in assets.
The only country in Europe with a digital signature law is Germany. Countries now considering such laws include the United Kingdom, Sweden, the Netherlands, and the United States.
There were 7,562 bank robberies in 1996-a 12% increase over the 6,758 in 1995.
Credit card growth peaked in 1995 at 34%. Today credit cards increase at a rate of 20% yearly.
Some retail payment networks, such as ATMs, change encryption keys daily.
The cost to a bank for servicing an Internet customer is $4 to $5 a month.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics says that in the month of July, 1997 there were 1.51 million full and part time employees at commercial and savings banks-more than a year ago this time when due to "downsizing", there were less than 1.46 million. Seven years ago there were 1.58 million employed in this industry.
Copyright © 1997 Bankers' Hotline. Originally appeared in Bankers' Hotline, Vol. 7, No. 9, 8/97