Question & Answer
Question: We read with more than casual interest that our state has a cap on overdraft fees in the "Stats" column of the last HOTLINE. Please tell me where that information came from?
Answer: That particular stat came from the Consumer Federation Report, June, 1998 issue. They got their information from state banking departments. We have 52 different publications that come into the BANKERS' HOTLINE office each month that we scan pretty throughly. And we have our quota of "surfing" reporters on the Internet too. We print the stats we think will be of most interest to the financial industry. The sources are all stored on file with the records of past issues. However, starting with the January, 1999 issue, we will start printing sources right with the stat so that if you want to use them, you'll be able to research further.
Copyright © 1998 Bankers' Hotline. Originally appeared in Bankers' Hotline, Vol. 8, No. 12, 12/98