Compliance Survey: Answers Needed
y Steve Cocheo, Banking Journal
How many compliance officers does it take to screw in a light bulb?Actually, we have no idea - and who cares, anyway? It's useless trivia.
But there are lots of important details about the compliance side of banking that are not trivial, things that compliance officers would find helpful to know - especially around budget time - that until now they've had to guess at.
Things like:
- MONEY MATTERS: How do other banks budget for compliance? How does the typical bank - and banks the same size and structure as yours - spend the compliance dollar?
- STRUCTURE ISSUES: How do banks like yours set up their compliance functions? How much compliance gets handled in the Compliance Department and how much is handled elsewhere in the bank? How many "hats" do most other compliance officers wear?
- COMPLIANCE ENFORCEMENT: How much compliance accountability do banks provide under their own roofs? How does it compare to your bank's accountability effort?
- "REGULATORY U": What is the state of the art of compliance training and education?
- CORPORATE GOVERNANCE: What role do most bank boards play in compliance today?
To answer such questions, ABA Banking Journal is putting together a special study, the 2003 Bank Compliance Officers Survey. But the magazine needs your help. Watch your mail in early February for the survey questionnaire. If you don't receive it by Feb. 12, you can find it in an easy download at Or e-mail Steve Cocheo at ABA Banking Journal at and he'll send you an electronic copy. The survey must be returned by March 3.
Completing the survey automatically enters you in a drawing for a free registration to the 2003 national regulatory compliance conference, as well as several other prizes, by the way.
The survey results will appear in the COMPLIANCE WATCH 2003: The Nationwide Compliance Officers Survey special report appearing in the June ABA Banking Journal. (Editor's Note: Steve has promised to share some of the results with HOTLINE readers, too.)
Copyright © 2003 Bankers' Hotline. Originally appeared in Bankers' Hotline, Vol. 12, No. 11, 2/03