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  • In a 2004 report, Gartner estimated that 57 million people had received online Phishing attacks, costing banks and credit-card issuers over $1.2 billion in 2003 alone., May 24, 2005
  • MasterCard reported that it has shut down 1,400 phishing fraudulent MasterCard websites during the last eleven months using "Operation STOP IT". The operation also closed 750 sites selling credit card information, preventing over 35,000 MasterCard account numbers from being used by criminals.
    Credit Union Tech Talk Weekly, 5/15/05
  • During March, 2005, there were purportedly 2,870 active phishing websites still in operation.
  • In 1960, 45 years ago, First National City Bank (now CitiBank) installed a 'Bankograph' in several branch lobbies for customers to pay utility bills without going to a teller's window. It is considered to be the predecessor of the ATM.
  • A survey of companies with revenues between $50,000 and $2 million, in business for a minimum of one year, using a business checking account, revealed nearly 60% of respondents use Internet banking daily or weekly. The most frequent online banking activities are monitoring accounts, tracking checks, transfers and online customer service.
    Edgar, Dunn & Co & Collective Dynamics, LLC, 2005 Small Business Survey, June 6, 2005
  • In a survey of 'baby boomers', when asked, "As you think about your financial security and your plans for the future how do the following potential sources of information impact your decisions?" 69% responded "Myself - I do my own research" - Only 21% named "Bank Staff."
    Report published by Celent, June 23, 2005
  • "Ten years ago there were 12,000 banks in the U.S. Today, there are only 9,000 left" Mark Macomber, America's Community Bankers: at House of Representatives, May 4, 2005

Copyright © 2005 Bankers' Hotline. Originally appeared in Bankers' Hotline, Vol. 15, No. 6, 7/05

First published on 07/01/2005

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