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How Does Your Lobby Look?

With new rules on CRA taking effect, this is a good time to check your lobby. Make sure that you have all of the required posters and notices properly posted, the content is correct and the notices are current. Compliance violations often result from copying or borrowing posters from a competing financial institution - who may have a different regulator. Violations also result from purchasing posters from printers who are not as knowledgeable about compliance - or as accountable - as you are.

To support your training program, ask your branch managers to have each branch employee read the posters and posted disclosures and report back on what they learned. Each employee should know what information is posted and understand its significance. They should also know that they should never move or cover up any of these disclosures.

Copyright © 1996 Compliance Action. Originally appeared in Compliance Action, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1/96

First published on 01/01/1996

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