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Revised Edition of SIDE-BY-SIDE

The FDIC has issued a revised edition of SIDE-BY-SIDE, A guide to Fair Lending. SIDE-BY-SIDE was first published in 1994 and immediately became the last word in agency guidance on fair lending and self testing. The guide provides detailed advice on fair lending self-assessment procedures and is literally a "how to" book on self-assessment. It includes check lists and analysis charts used in the FDIC fair lending examination. The Guide also includes a list of references on fair lending.

The new edition is updated to reflect the FDIC's policy on examiners requesting and using the bank's self-testing results. FDIC's new policy is that the examiner will not ask to review the results. However, if the bank wishes to, the bank may offer the results for consideration.

The Guide has mailed to the bank's CEO. To obtain additional copies, contact your FDIC Regional Office or the Division of compliance and Consumer Affairs in FDIC's Washington, D.C. office.

Copyright © 1996 Compliance Action. Originally appeared in Compliance Action, Vol. 1, No. 12, 7/96

First published on 07/01/1996

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