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The Security Officer's Role - Quiz with Answers

We ran a series of eight training pages for the security officer written by Dana Turner early this year. This month's training page aims at determining what you've retained from those pages. In a "turn-about-is-fair-play", this quiz is not for the students who attend security classes. It's for the instructor!

1. The Security Officer must be appointed by the:
a) President &/or CEO
b) Board of Directors
c) Vote of employees
d) Bonding &/or Insurance company

2. The Security Officer's position should be full time if he/she is responsible for providing security services for:
a) fifteen branches and departments
b) fifty people
c) three buildings
d) executives

3. In determining what security practices and devices should be incorporated, the Security Officer must not only adhere to the mandates of the Bank Protection Act and Regulations. It is also necessary to take into serious consideration:
a) staying within the security budget
b) standards of the industry
c) the preferences of the front line
d) how many robberies you may have in the future

4. The major objection to being appointed a Security Officer and not being an officer of the financial institution is:
a) nobody will listen to you
b) employees who are not officers are too young
c) lack of insurance coverage
d) the perception of lack of experience

5. Training in security matters and robbery response should:
a) be no less than annually - more frequently if robberies in area
b) include ALL employees and officers
c) be mandatory
d) all of the above

6. Written security policies and procedures must cover:
a) cash handling and drawer settling
b) teller scheduling
c) job rotation and review procedures
d) opening and closing procedures

7. According to all regulators, financial institutions must have certain security devices. They are: a means of protecting cash - i.e. a vault; tamper resistant locks on doors and windows; an alarm system; other devices appropriate under certain circumstances; and
a) a training schedule for all employees and officers
b) an insurance policy covering accidents to customers or members
c) a lighting system on the vault if it's visible from outside
d) a guard on the door if there are more than ten employees in the office

8. The written BSA program must: designate a BSA officer responsible for day-to-day compliance; provide a system of internal controls; provide for independent testing; and provide:
a) training for appropriate personnel
b) examples of money laundering for new-hires to study
c) a hotline for direct reporting of suspicious activity
d) a monthly review with all tellers of all SARs filed

9. All records substantiating a Suspicious Activity Report must be kept and produced upon request to appropriate parties for:
a) up to a year
b) three years
c) five years
d) seven years

10. Suspicious activity by a known suspect must be filed within 30 days of discovery for a singular or aggregate loss of $5,000 or more. You may also file if:
a) there is no loss at all
b) it is a robbery
c) it is a bomb threat
d) you discuss it first with the perpetrator

11. The Security Officer must personally conduct an assessment of the security function and make a presentation annually to:
a) the Examiners
b) Administrative Officers
c) Board of Directors
d) Stockholders

12. Which of the following factors should bank personnel consider to determine the required level of security?
a) Incidence of crime in the region
b) Amount of assets exposed
c) Distance and average response time from the local authorities
d) All of the above

Copyright © 2005 Bankers' Hotline. Originally appeared in Bankers' Hotline, Vol. 15, No. 11, 11/05

First published on 11/01/2005

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