Effective date for several inflation adjustments
Effective date for adjustments in:
- CARD Act and HOEPA dollar amount limits and triggers, and for QM Points and Fees cap: https://federalregister.gov/a/2015-22987
- CRA (Regulation BB) dollar amount threshold changes for Small and Intermediate Small bank or savings association definition: {Not announced yet)
- Regulation Z threshold amount of coverage for credit other than (1) credit secured by real property or personal property used a consumer principal dwelling and (2) private education loans: (Not announced yet)
- Total asset limit for "small creditor" exemption (Factor C) from HPML escrow requirements and status for small creditor qualification to originate QMs under sections 1026.43(e)(5), (e)(6), and (f): (Not yet announced)
- Threshold amount of credit extended for coverage of HPML appraisal requirements: (Not yet announced)