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Comments due on CFPB preemption determination


A December 7, 2022, CFPB Blog article, "Update on state laws on lending to business," reports that the Bureau has received a request from an industry trade association to determine whether New York's commercial financing disclosure law is preempted by the federal Truth in Lending Act. Congress has expressly authorized the CFPB to determine whether state laws are preempted by the Truth in Lending Act. The public can request such a determination, or the CFPB can raise the issue on its own. The Truth in Lending Act’s implementing regulations require the CFPB to request public comment before determining whether a state law is preempted.

After carefully considering the request, the CFPB’s preliminary determination is that the New York law is not preempted by the Truth in Lending Act because the New York law regulates commercial financing transactions rather than consumer-purpose transactions. The CFPB is requesting comment on whether it should finalize its preliminary determination that the New York law – as well as potentially similar laws in California, Utah, and Virginia – are not preempted. The deadline for comments is January 20, 2023.

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