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#95000 - 07/08/03 06:53 PM Ghost Stories.....
TDW Offline
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Okay, who out there is a believer in ghosts?? Anyone have a good ghost story?? I'll tell a couple of mine if some other people care to share first!

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#95001 - 07/08/03 07:46 PM Re: Ghost Stories.....

I can't believe NOBODY has a freaky story!!!

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#95002 - 07/08/03 07:55 PM Re: Ghost Stories.....
EllenA Offline
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Flushing, NY
I was getting off the subway and coming down the stairs to the street. It was a long time ago, I was not married yet and living with my parents. My subway stop was the end of the line. It was September and the staircase was jammed with people all going down it was two flights down from the platform to the station and then a long narrow flight from the station to the street with a landing break in the middle. It was very crowded and when I reached the top of the stairs to go down to the street, I saw the crowd part and there, lying on the landing was a woman, dressed in a beige dress and white shoes, she was lying on her stomach, her face bloody and facing sideways, her legs all twisted. I was frozen with shock and fear, I couldn't move. All of a sudden, someone pushed me from behind and I realized there was nothing there, it was in my head. IT WAS SO REAL. It still freaks me out to this day, more than 30 years latter. I can see her so clearly. Never figured out what this meant.
It really doesn't matter, no one listens to me anyway.

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#95003 - 07/08/03 07:55 PM Re: Ghost Stories.....
Nanwa Offline
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My husband lived in a haunted house while in college. Whenever he tells the stories, he gets goose bumpy.

One day, one of their kitchen ladles went missing. Later, when they came home to a locked house, there it was in the middle of the table. When he reached for it, there was a knock on the door, then the inner wall, then the back wall and finally the last wall. He was not alone in the room, so he has witnesses. There was no way anyone could get behind two of those walls!

Also, his Dalmation got her fur all up, beared her teeth and growled towards the center of an empty room.

My story isn't so spooky. I just saw my mother's soul leave when she died. A foggy haze came out and headed upwards as the ambulance people wheeled her out the door. The difference in her face was striking. From pained but alive, to a serene wax doll.
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#95004 - 07/08/03 08:02 PM Re: Ghost Stories.....
RVFlyboy Offline
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Never figured out what this meant.

Well, I think I have it. Look at the clues in your story.

1. It was a long time ago
2. It was September
3. She was wearing white shoes
4. Her legs all twisted

It's obvious. She was wearing white shoes after Labor Day and someone beat her senseless!
Jim Bedsole, CRCM, CBA, CFSA, CAFP
My posts - my opinions

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#95005 - 07/08/03 08:14 PM Re: Ghost Stories.....
EllenA Offline
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Flushing, NY
I have told that story only a very few times (and usually after a "couple"). Never did that point come to me. You are a true genius, Jim.
It really doesn't matter, no one listens to me anyway.

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#95006 - 07/08/03 08:15 PM Re: Ghost Stories.....

Magic Banker
I love your logic. By the way it's Kat I forgot to logon.

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#95007 - 07/08/03 08:24 PM Re: Ghost Stories.....

Here's a good one... Absolutely true with witnesses...Three weeks after I had to have my cat put to sleep (I had him for 14 years) some friends of ours were over playing cards. Out of the blue, there 4 year old little boy went to the step where the cat used to sit and started talking to and playing with the cat. He then followed the cat down the stairs, under the table and into the corner of the dining room under a desk(this was where the cat used to always lay). At this point, my daughter, also 4 at the time, saw him as well. Both kids were laying on the floor under the desk playing with a cat who had been gone for weeks. The parents of the other child were completely mortified. My husband was so relieved that the kids saw him, as he claims he heard him at night and had also cuaght glimpses of him. The best part is that this cat was a black persian named Spook.

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#95008 - 07/08/03 08:40 PM Re: Ghost Stories.....
soanony Offline
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Okay, here's one of mine that I'll tell...

I was about 11 yrs or so. I don't remember what season it was...I was wearing shorts but in TX that can be any time of year. I was reading in the living room, my mom was sewing in her bedroom and 2 of my brothers were watching cartoons in their room and another was out with friends. We heard a loud crash in the utility room. It sounded like a dishpan full of dishes crashed to the floor. We didn't hear glass break but rather like all kinds of dishes and silverware crashing. We came from all directions of the house and ran to the room. We all stood in the doorway with our mouth hanging open. There was not one dish on the floor. The dishpan with a few dishes in it sat on a counter undisturbed. We searched the house and found nothing! The noise was so clear! We never found an explanation. We only had 1 neighbor next door and at the time her house was empty.

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#95009 - 07/08/03 08:45 PM Re: Ghost Stories.....
HRH Dawnie Offline
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HRH Dawnie
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Anchorage Alaska
Magic...I love that logic!

When I was a little girl we lived in the oldest structure in Port Townsend Washington. Two people had killed themselves in the house and one person was murdered. There were rooms that had a distinct chill to them, and a back bedroom that never felt right. We'd put guests in that room and were told many times that they couldn't put a finger on why they weren't comfortable there, it just left a bad feeling in the pit of their stomach. The back bedroom was where the murder and one suicide took place.

We always claimed we had a very energy concious ghost as well. Quite often, when you went upstairs to the bedrooms, if no one was downstairs, all the lights on that floor would go out. We looked at the wiring, rewired the very oldest stuff, and still it happened. It used to scare me so I closed the door when I went up the stairs so I couldn't tell if it was happening...and once I went up I never came back down til someone else was home. (Back in the ice ages you could leave your kids home for a few hours if they were a reasonable age). To this day, I'd probably stay upstairs if I was there alone and the lights went out...downside being you have to be on the floor with the creepy room...what a dilema huh!
Dawn Coursey VP/CRA Queen

CRA Rating is in...Oh who cares...I'm home with the baby.

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#95010 - 07/08/03 09:03 PM Re: Ghost Stories.....
Go Royals Offline
Go Royals
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Lincoln, Nebraska
I used to have a little black and white TV on which I was constantly seeing spectors behind the people on screen - does that count?
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#95011 - 07/08/03 09:10 PM Re: Ghost Stories.....


I used to have a little black and white TV on which I was constantly seeing spectors behind the people on screen - does that count?

I always saw people behind the fuzzy lines - oh wait, that was just me as a kid trying to watch the scrambled adult channel

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#95012 - 07/08/03 09:14 PM Re: Ghost Stories.....

You'd watch for hours just for those few moments where the picture would clear up enough to see something good, right? And you be upset if the picture cleared up when nothing good was on, right? Been there, done that--I was young once too. (But not ready to admit it publicly, so I logged out to post this.)

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#95013 - 07/08/03 09:24 PM Re: Ghost Stories.....

Why not admit it - and you are absolutely right about what you'd end up seeing, so you'd just go back to playing Pong.

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#95014 - 07/08/03 09:51 PM Re: Ghost Stories.....
SMQ, CRCM Offline
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Now I remember. Dawnie's story about being home after school did it. I was home one afternoon, the carport door was open and the screen door was not latched. I heard the screen door squeak, slam and someone yelled, "I'm home". I stepped into the hall and there was no one there -- no car in the drive way and no one outside.

This gave me another good reason to NOT come straight home after school. Hmmmmm
NOLA is my Beach!

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#95015 - 07/09/03 12:26 PM Re: Ghost Stories.....
TDW Offline
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I have actually had quite a few "ghostly" encounters...

1.) The most recent is the ghost that now resides in our home, like Dawnie, a man committed suicide in my son's upstairs bedroom. (I will never tell him this!!) Anyway, he is not a "scary" ghost, he is actually quite playful. His favorite trick is when I turn off the T.V., he turns it back on, this goes on for about three tries when I finally say out loud to him, "Please let me shut the T.V. off" and it always remains off.

My mom and brother were over last Sat. night and we were trying to watch a movie but every time we hit play after about a minute it would start fast forwarding itself. My husband, who doesn't believe we have a ghost, was getting mad after the fifth time. I told everyone it was probably the ghost doing it, they all laughed, when it happened again I said out loud, please let us watch the movie, it stopped fast forwarding on its own and never happened again for the rest of the movie. My mom couldn't sleep that night!!

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#95016 - 07/09/03 02:41 PM Re: Ghost Stories.....
IUalum Offline
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I only saw a ghost once. I was about six years old and was going down the hall to my parents' bedroom one night. Their door was open, and I could see this old woman standing beside the bed, bent over my mother. She looked up, right at me, with a surprised look on her face. Then she just sort of dissolved. Scared me so bad I couldn't talk about it for years.

Another time, one of our kitchen cabinets popped open and dishes flew out. I had a witness that time!
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#95017 - 07/09/03 03:37 PM Re: Ghost Stories.....
LiL Bit Moore Offline
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LiL Bit Moore
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When I was little we lived in an old large house that my parents had purchased for nearly nothing completely furnished. We were not told until after we moved in that the previous owners teenage daughter had died suddenly of an anurism in the house. They claimed that her ghost was still in the house and they could not handle the pain, so one day they just up and left.

I was the youngest of three with two older brothers who were all the time claiming they would see her, walking down the hall in front of their room and into the living room. I never saw her but I beleived that they did.

Fast forward 32 years....two Christmas' ago my Mother put together a beautiful calendar for each family member with family photos representing each month. I was looking through mine one night and discovered that in a Christmas picture of me and my brothers taken in this same house, you could see, very distinctly, a girl in front of a door looking at us and smiling. I had completely forgotten about the ghost stories until then. I called my brother and asked him to tell me again where they would see the girl. I didn't tell him about the picture. He once again told me she would go down the hall and through the door to the living room. It was the same door in the picture.

Also, I asked my husband who did not know the story, what he saw in the picture. He said - you and your brothers, and someone standing behind the screen door! When I told him it was not a screen door but a solid door he was blown away.

So, I guess I have a picture of a ghost! Both my brothers looked at theirs and they can see her too. The weird thing is, looking closer you can also see an old mans face right above hers, we have know idea who he is! Many non-believers have looked at it and cannot come up with an explanation. It is not a shadow or over exposure, and everyone describes the same thing. It is too distinct!

Looking at two other pictures taken in the house I noticed light orbs in one and a hazy fog in another. Those I am not sure of, but it sure is wild!

The house has since burned down...
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#95018 - 07/09/03 04:17 PM Re: Ghost Stories.....
Brandy Osborne Offline
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I have no doubt that ghosts exist... there is a beautiful home in the histotic distric of my town and i refused to have my wedding or reception there because it's haunted. and i won't live in a house where people have died. if i had to have that house i would have my priest bless it... yeah i'll admit it i'm a BIG scaredy cat!
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#95019 - 07/09/03 04:23 PM Re: Ghost Stories.....
TDW Offline
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Another weird thing that happens at my home is when I walk into my older son's room (where the guy hung himself) as I pass by the dresser it will sometimes be very cold for a second. The dresser is located directly under the place (attic door) the guy committed suicide.....

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#95020 - 07/09/03 07:30 PM Re: Ghost Stories.....
MackenzieS Offline
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I have not personally had any experiences, but my poor sister has dealt with ghosts for years. A few years ago her and her two kids (now 7&10) moved up to Haggerstown, Maryland into an old house that belongs to her new husband. Her husband has a job where is out of the country for several weeks then back in for a couple, then back out….Anyway, basically it is just her, the kids, and two dogs in this big, old house.

A few weeks after she moved in the kids began saying that they saw people upstairs. Then began the noises that seemed to come from all directions at the same time. It started simply enough with your usual pictures dropping off the wall, but over time it became very destructive. You know that thick glass that goes in the middle of coffee tables? She came home one day from picking the kids up from playing, and the glass had been removed from the coffee table and shattered. They jacked with the lights and the TV too. She said that if you went upstairs or stayed in the living room you would almost feel like you were having a heart attack, there was something that seemed to surround you and take your breath from you. The chilled air was everywhere. The dogs often would refuse to come out of the basement and would growl to what appeared as meaningless spots in the house.

I remember she called me one night, she had sent the kids away to stay with friends, she was on the back deck of the house and she had called because she couldn’t go into the house. She was crying. She was so afraid, and as she was explaining to me what was happening at that moment. She would say, “listen, can you hear this?”. You could literally hear the TV going on and off. All of a sudden she screamed and the phone went dead! ( I swear I am not making this stuff up!) I tried to call her right back and could not get through.

She had every denomination of religious folk come in to try to “rid” the house of the spirits. It only seemed to work for small amounts of time, usually a couple of days to a couple of weeks. It has since tapered off, but the kids still say they see people upstairs.

These were not the kind of ghosts that some welcome, these have been destructive and basically evil. I have told her to move out, but that is just my opinion, I couldn’t live in a house like that.

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#95021 - 07/09/03 07:49 PM Re: Ghost Stories.....
LiL Bit Moore Offline
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LiL Bit Moore
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Who Ya' gonna call???

...all together now.......

GHOSTBUSTERS !!!! I had to lighten it up, It was startin' to get kinda scary in this room!
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#95022 - 07/09/03 08:29 PM Re: Ghost Stories.....
HRH Dawnie Offline
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HRH Dawnie
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Anchorage Alaska
There are a lot of homes in Port Townsend Washington that have documented spirits (including ours from my childhood). Most are actually quite harmless (noises and such things) and some are even known to guard over the families in the homes. (Bishop house has an old lady who was seen hovering over the children I went to school with a few times. Once one of them was playing with a light socket and a screwdriver and the old lady made such a racket in the kitchen where mom was, she went to check on the kids to make sure they weren't scared and stopped him from sticking it into the socket). So many of these homes were residences of friends of mine that you really didn't think much of it..until you were alone in the house...then it freaked me out

I used to talk to our spirits downstairs. I'd close the door to the stairway, say a nice goodnight, and hope they were nice to me. Then go upstairs to the ugly people (who just felt bad in one room, but never played with the lights)
Dawn Coursey VP/CRA Queen

CRA Rating is in...Oh who cares...I'm home with the baby.

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#95023 - 07/09/03 08:38 PM Re: Ghost Stories.....
Alien Offline
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Hey folks!! I have a fix for these spooky homes. All you got to do is hang a horseshoe upside down on top of the front door. Don't ask me why but it does work - well at least that's what we did to our home in Sydney, Australia which happened to be one of the many built on an old cemetary!!!!
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#95024 - 07/09/03 08:41 PM Re: Ghost Stories.....
Lestie G Offline

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Mackenzie!!! Tell us what happened to your sister!!! Don't end it with she screamed and the phone went dead!!!
Opinions my own.

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