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#1111095 - 01/14/09 08:57 PM
Re: American Idol
10K Club
Joined: Jul 2002
Posts: 13,994
hahah i dont know what was up with that rocker dude but it was so funny he probably cried more in that one episode than i have my entire life. that guy was great! it's people like that who keep me interested in the audition stages. he reminded me of Bett Midler's understudy in the Seinfeld episode who dropped her hot dog in the dirt
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#1111114 - 01/14/09 09:10 PM
Re: American Idol
10K Club
Joined: May 2004
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Way, way south.
Hey, your grandma passed away. Oh. OK. Am I up?
I dropped my frankfurter, Waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....
Giddy up.
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#1111116 - 01/14/09 09:13 PM
Re: American Idol
10K Club
Joined: Jul 2004
Posts: 19,025
Bugs predicts... Blind guy wins it all. How dare you refer to him as "Blind Guy"?! How insulting can you be? ^^^now that's sarcasm^^^^ right?
With the lights out, it's less dangerous.
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#1111121 - 01/14/09 09:19 PM
Re: American Idol
10K Club
Joined: May 2004
Posts: 10,124
Way, way south.
Bugs predicts... Blind guy wins it all. How dare you refer to him as "Blind Guy"?! How insulting can you be? ^^^now that's sarcasm^^^^ right? Sarcasm is you using that avatar and your tag line, yet feigning insult when someone makes a comment about Barack Obama being of mixed races.
Giddy up.
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#1111128 - 01/14/09 09:29 PM
Re: American Idol
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Joined: Jun 2006
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My favorite part was when they showed those girls standing in front of their TV awaiting the results to the end of last year's show. They were wearing David Archuleta shirts and when Seacrest said the winner is David...................Cook, they just burst into tears.
Someone.. I think maybe Bugs.. posted a link to the YouTube video of those girls. It goes on for a LOONG time. That clip wasn't the half of it.
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#1111203 - 01/14/09 10:45 PM
Re: American Idol
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Joined: May 2005
Posts: 8,487
Someone.. I think maybe Bugs.. posted a link to the YouTube video of those girls. Yes, it was me. See, not everybody doesn't look a the YouTube links I post. So there! 
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#1111204 - 01/14/09 10:47 PM
Re: American Idol
Power Poster
Joined: May 2005
Posts: 8,487
Bugs predicts... Blind guy wins it all. How dare you refer to him as "Blind Guy"?! How insulting can you be? LOL! Touche, B_F. 
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#1111206 - 01/14/09 10:48 PM
Re: American Idol
MB Guy
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Joined: May 2005
Posts: 8,487
Sarcasm is you using that avatar and your tag line, yet feigning insult when someone makes a comment about Barack Obama being of mixed races. Key word: "feigning."
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#1111600 - 01/15/09 04:23 PM
Re: American Idol
10K Club
Joined: Jul 2002
Posts: 13,994
All I have to say is, thank God for tone deaf people, they make me 
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#1111657 - 01/15/09 05:00 PM
Re: American Idol
Power Poster
Joined: May 2005
Posts: 8,487
Bugs predicts the music teacher widower will provide serious competiton to the blind guy. Once again, I'm not sure if you're insulting the blind, or the visually impaired gentleman that auditioned. LOL! I was hoping to instigate a response from you! Awesome!
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#1111729 - 01/15/09 05:58 PM
Re: American Idol
~Special K~
10K Club
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AI actually showed a short clip of Flawless last night.
He's my favorite.
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#1112584 - 01/16/09 06:14 PM
Re: American Idol
10K Club
Joined: Jun 2006
Posts: 14,141
In the Snow :)
Where are the shows from next week?
The woods are lovely dark & deep & I have promises to keep & miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep
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#1114122 - 01/21/09 03:57 PM
Re: American Idol
Platinum Poster
Joined: Oct 2006
Posts: 679
Anybody watch last night? I was underwhelmed, for the most part. I thought the first girl with the horrid giggle was terrible, and I can't believe they let her go to Hollywood. I also can't believe they devoted an entire 8 minutes of the show to her.
I thought the most amusing auditioner was the lady who had the diagrams of the human body. It cracked me up every time she attempted to say "trachea."
The fighting between new judge Kara and Simon is going to get old in a hurry.
If ignorance is bliss, there ought to be more happy people.
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