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#1122418 - 02/04/09 02:09 PM Re: Octuplets A_G
Retired DQ Offline
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Originally Posted By: AuditGuy
"The money itself is not the object.[/i]

of course it isn't... whistle smirk
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain

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#1122433 - 02/04/09 02:16 PM Re: Octuplets Retired DQ
Snow Bunny Offline
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This is a really sick thought - but from what is out there, it wouldn't surprise me if she didn't do Entirely For The Money frown
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#1122632 - 02/04/09 04:20 PM Re: Octuplets Snow Bunny
Dip Offline
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I heard on NBC news this morning that offers for lifetime supplies of diapers and formula have not come in because of the public's negative perception of this stupid mother. Hooray! I wonder if the state has any grounds to take these babies into protective custody??? Unfit mother? No means up support for the kids??? Child endangerment?
Dabbling in banking, law, accounting...the life of a trustee.

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#1122633 - 02/04/09 04:22 PM Re: Octuplets Dip
Peepers Offline
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A lifetime supply of diapers?

I only needed them until I was 9, after that I could take care of myself.......sheesh!

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#1122637 - 02/04/09 04:23 PM Re: Octuplets Peepers
'Lil Freak! Offline
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Originally Posted By: Mr. Peepers
A lifetime supply of diapers?

I only needed them until I was 9, after that I could take care of myself.......sheesh!

Wait until you're Pale's age; you will need them again. Just sayin'....
No, I didn't lose my mind. It got scared and ran away.

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#1122638 - 02/04/09 04:24 PM Re: Octuplets Snow Bunny
Dip Offline
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Originally Posted By: Pooh (The Bear)
This is a really sick thought - but from what is out there, it wouldn't surprise me if she didn't do Entirely For The Money frown

When we were talking about this crazy mother at the salon on Saturday, we concocted an even sicker thought (as a joke, not in seriousness). I'd share but I knwo all too well some posters will take offense (or feign offense just for the heck of it).
Dabbling in banking, law, accounting...the life of a trustee.

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#1122639 - 02/04/09 04:24 PM Re: Octuplets Peepers
Snow Bunny Offline
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You'll be needing them again though, and most likely pretty soon wink
The woods are lovely dark & deep & I have promises to keep & miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep

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#1122657 - 02/04/09 04:31 PM Re: Octuplets Dip
Jokerman Offline
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Originally Posted By: Dip
I wonder if the state has any grounds to take these babies into protective custody???

Yeah, there seems to be plenty of justification for this...

We complain about the media, but lap up whatever they put in our dish.

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#1123168 - 02/04/09 09:56 PM Re: Octuplets Jokerman
Sing A Little Offline
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I read yesterday that one of her sons is autistic. That situation combined with the potential problems for the 8 babies down the road does not make for a happy ending here.

The state should take a good look at this situation.
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#1123174 - 02/04/09 10:04 PM Re: Octuplets Sing A Little
KTMiteComply Offline
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only if I want to....
You know something that really makes me sad when I hear this I think about all the families in this world that can't have children and just want a baby...just one sweet little baby and they can't have one...and then have so much trouble adopting one... frown
Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart...Prov 3:5-6

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#1123211 - 02/04/09 10:31 PM Re: Octuplets KTMiteComply
Snow Bunny Offline
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Amen Kaytee!

We were talking to some friends over the weekend. Their son/dil tried for years and just finally had twins. It took multiple invitro's, and the entire family is just thrilled. Now their other son/dil are ready to start a family, and they're scared to death, because what hindered the first is hereditary and the second might have the same thing. They talked about this woman and how (their words-not mine) she had a litter and kids like theirs have to struggle to have just one.

I can definitely see a case for the state to step in here. The doctor should also lose his license to practice. What he did was just unethical.

The woods are lovely dark & deep & I have promises to keep & miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep

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#1123336 - 02/05/09 12:48 PM Re: Octuplets Snow Bunny
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Maybe the doctor didn't know about the other kids, or maybe she asked to have that many embryos implanted... ??
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain

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#1123340 - 02/05/09 12:55 PM Re: Octuplets Dip
Hrothgar Geiger Offline
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Originally Posted By: Dip
Originally Posted By: Pooh (The Bear)
This is a really sick thought - but from what is out there, it wouldn't surprise me if she didn't do Entirely For The Money frown

When we were talking about this crazy mother at the salon on Saturday, we concocted an even sicker thought (as a joke, not in seriousness). I'd share but I knwo all too well some posters will take offense (or feign offense just for the heck of it).

Then I'll be the one to say it.

She had them for spare parts.

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#1123349 - 02/05/09 01:31 PM Re: Octuplets Retired DQ
A_G Offline
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This morning on the radio they said the dr was going to be investigated by the CA medical board...

I'll see if I can find a link.
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#1123351 - 02/05/09 01:35 PM Re: Octuplets A_G
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Good, I was just going to ask for source or shens... laugh
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain

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#1123353 - 02/05/09 01:39 PM Re: Octuplets Retired DQ
A_G Offline
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Well I can't find anything at the moment, but I did find this:

snip - The U.S. fertility industry has guidelines on how many embryos doctors can implant, with the number varying by age and other factors. The guidelines call for no more than one or two for a generally healthy woman under 35, and no more than three to five, depending on the embryos' maturity, for women over 40.

If eight embryos were implanted at once, that is "well beyond our guidelines," Dr. R. Dale McClure, president of the reproductive medicine society, said in a statement.
Clinics that clearly violate guidelines can be kicked out of another group, the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology, which in turn affects whether insurance covers their services. But the guidelines do not have the force of law.
With the lights out, it's less dangerous.

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#1123432 - 02/05/09 02:38 PM Re: Octuplets A_G
Snow Bunny Offline
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According to her mother - all of her children have been conceived through invitro, and the eggs were all stored at the same place.

The doctor should have known. I would also think that they are required to do research on the patient to make sure they are a good candidate before they perform the procedure.
The woods are lovely dark & deep & I have promises to keep & miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep

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#1123465 - 02/05/09 03:03 PM Re: Octuplets Snow Bunny
HappyGilmore Offline
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Pulling people out of the ditc...
according to an article I saw this weekend, her mother said she has wanted to have kids since she was a teen, and the mother has been somewhat of an enabler for allowing the daughter and her 6 to live with her, but has finally had enough and will not allow her to raise all 14 at her home...daughter needed to do the impalnting of these embryos as they were about to expire, so she implanted all of them...sounds like a bit of imbalance on each of them...
Providing alternative truths since the invention of time

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#1123563 - 02/05/09 03:48 PM Re: Octuplets HappyGilmore
RR Becca Offline
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out of the frying pan...
I bet they end up with a Dr. Phil special.
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#1123610 - 02/05/09 04:05 PM Re: Octuplets Snow Bunny
QCL Offline
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Originally Posted By: Pooh (The Bear)
Amen Kaytee!

...They talked about this woman and how (their words-not mine) she had a litter and kids like theirs have to struggle to have just one.

Been there.
Done that.
Wrote the website smile
Never had to go the invitro route, but two lost babies sucked...

But I wonder and I am sorry if it's already been mentioned, invitro is NOT cheap. $10,000 a pop - no pun intended - in some cases. Who paid for it?

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#1123739 - 02/05/09 05:01 PM Re: Octuplets QCL
califgirl Offline
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She's been on worker's comp disabilty for the past 10 years. But only getting about $400/month. She worked at a state hospital and somehow sustained an injury.

Apparently the injury kept her from working but not from going through 5 previous pregnancies plus this BIG one. Oh, and she went to college and got her degree while on 'disability.'
I can explain it to you. I can't understand it for you.

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#1123744 - 02/05/09 05:11 PM Re: Octuplets HappyGilmore
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Originally Posted By: rotaredoM yppaH
...daughter needed to do the impalnting of these embryos as they were about to expire, so she implanted all of them...

There is no expiration date on a frozen embryo - they may, in theory, be unusable after some point, but the technology is new enough that no one has found that date.

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#1123763 - 02/05/09 05:20 PM Re: Octuplets califgirl
Bones Offline
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There are those that apparently know how to work the system it seems. I feel really bad for those kids.

My husband and I have 1 son that is 6 years old and we wanted another. We tried for 3 years, but had 2 miscarriages. We tried and tried again, but nothing after that. We wanted another child so bad that we were talking about adoption, but then by some miracle I am now 17 weeks preggers, without the help of fertility drugs. I thank God for it. But I can relate to wanting children and not being able to have them and this woman is having kid after kid and no means to support or take care of them. It is very frustrating!
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#1123778 - 02/05/09 05:24 PM Re: Octuplets Bones
QCL Offline
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Congrats Bones!!!
I understand the frustration.
But congrats!

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#1123868 - 02/05/09 06:11 PM Re: Octuplets QCL
Bones Offline
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Originally Posted By: QueenChop'dLiver
Congrats Bones!!!
I understand the frustration.
But congrats!

Thank you!! smile
You need an attitude adjustment ---- let me get my tools!

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